Thursday, May 17, 2007

I have realized

Simple words, but just too precious to ignore.

I have realized that tears convey more,
than what words can ever say

I have realized that the lonlier you feel,
lonlier the world makes you feel

I have realized that words hurt people more,
than the wounds they have suffered in life

I have realized that no matter how many times I pray,
I will only get what I rightfully deserve

I have realized that even if I deserve the award,
I got to be humble in order to get it

I have realized that when I am ecstatic about something,
there are almost never enough people to share it with

I have realized that a face is not as important,
as it is made to believe

I have realized that its not always a coward who gives up fight,
sometimes smart people too.

I have realized that kids are never at fault,
they just mirror our faults.

I have realized that every relationship has an expiry date,
its upto us to make most out of it.